GitHub & DevOps Services

GitHub is more than software version-control and collaboration, they’d say “the world’s leading AI-powered developer platform”.

Deep Expertise

GitHub is one of the most popular platforms for version control and collaboration on software projects. We now use it for our projects; before that we used Bitbucket. Several of our team started in the days of on-prem SVN and CVS, so we understand each step of the evolution of devOps. Our DORA DevOps metrics are consistently in the top category, showing that we consistently follow best-practice.

CI/CD Pipelines

We’ve developed a range of pipelines in GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket (including cloud and on-prem runners), as well as custom bash scripts. Deployment can include multiple servers and multiple environments depending on your needs.

Talk to us about our DevOps solutions

Whether you want to talk the technical details, or get help in plain english, we have the expertise to help you out.

Let’s Talk