Nginx Web Server

Nginx is a high-performance web server, load balancer, and Reverse Proxy. If that sounds like techno-babble, then we can “just sort it out” for you.

Deep Expertise

When we first started using Nginx in the mid-2000s, it was recently open-sourced and kind of obscure. Fast-forward to today, it’s now the leading web server on the internet, with documentation much easier to find.


Nginx was designed for high-volume web traffic, prioritising performance and stability. Hence it’s load balancing and reverse-proxy features.

  • A load balancer directs incoming network traffic to multiple servers, allowing your website or application to scale

  • A reverse proxy sits infront of web applications as a layer providing improved performance and security

  • An internal proxy, allowing users to access your on-site services with clean addresses like rather than something ugly like

  • Nginx can also be used for media streaming, caching, or an email proxy

Depending on your circumstances, we might recommend other options such as using AWS load-balancers or Cloudflare.

Talk to us

Whether you want to talk the technical details, or get help in plain english, we have the expertise to help you out.

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